The toast notification is primarily used for system messaging. It can help keep you informed of what’s happening in your app without getting in the way. Typically it also displays at the bottom of the screen, but may not be swiped off-screen. Learn more about Snackbars & toasts.
What if you want to create toast notifications in JavaScript? Is that even possible? As it turns out, the answer is yes! In this blog post, I’ll show you the 10 Best JavaScript plugins/libraries to create Android and Material Design-inspired toast notification messages on your modern web app. So whether you’re building a website or an app, these notification libraries can come in handy. Enjoy!
Originally Published Dec 26 2017, updated Jan 08 2025
1. Elegant Alert/Confirm/Toast Dialog Box In JavaScript – Cute Alert
A Vanilla JavaScript dialog popup library to create alert notifications, confirm popup boxes, and toast messages on the web app.
2. JavaScript Plugin For Custom Toast Notifications – Simple Notify
A simple notification JavaScript plugin for displaying highly customizable, toast-style alert popups on the page.
3. Simple Vanilla JavaScript Toast Notification Library – Toastify
Toastify is a simple, lightweight, vanilla JavaScript library used for sending stackable, non-blocking toast messages to end-users.

4. Create Bootstrap 5 Toasts Dynamically – bootstrap-show-toast
A vanilla JavaScript plugin that lets you create Bootstrap 5 powered toast notifications dynamically.
5. Smooth Snackbar & Toast Notification In JavaScript – js-snackbar
A pure JavaScript plugin that helps you create Material Design inspired non-blocking snackbars & toast notifications on the web app. With smooth CSS animations and optional duration, status, message and much more.
6. Minimal, Stackable, Non-intrusive Toast Notification Library – Toasty
A tiny notification JavaScript library designed to display sleek, dismissible toast messages on the center top of your webpage.
7. Stylish Non-intrusive Toast Notifications For The Web – Butterup
A lightweight JavaScript notification library that adds modern, smooth, custom.

8. Configurable Loading Spinner & Toast Notification Library – NoticeKit
The NoticeKit JavaScript library provides 6 types of loading spinners and 5 types of toast notifications for modern web development.
9. Toast-like Alert & Confirmation Popup Library – Noty.js
A tiny and easy-to-use JavaScript notification library for creating toast-like alert popups and confirmation dialogs with cool CSS3 animations.
10. Lightweight Info/Warning/Error/Danger Toast Notification Library – Toasteur.js
A toast notification library that gives you a unique way of displaying nice, customizable, info/warning/error/danger toast message boxes to your visitors.
More Resources:
To find more JavaScript libraries to create Material Design inspired toasts on the web app, don’t forget to check out our other awesome resources: