All-in-One Modal Lightbox Solution For Web Developers – DimBox.js
A lightweight yet powerful and customizable JavaScript popup library for creating stunning modals & lightboxes on your website.
A lightweight yet powerful and customizable JavaScript popup library for creating stunning modals & lightboxes on your website.
Tobii is a feature-rich, responsive, accessible, mobile-friendly lightbox library that makes it possible to display any content type in a modal popup.
A lightweight and easy-to-use lightbox library that allows you to display external pages or Youtube/Vimeo videos in an iframe lightbox.
A JavaScript lightbox gallery plugin for showcasing images, videos, Instagram posts, iframes in Bootstrap 5 modal & carousel components.
Modal.js is a lightweight vanilla JavaScript plugin to create any content modal windows just like the fancyBox does.
A dead-simple JavaScript library to display your images and videos in a lightbox popup or a navigatable gallery lightbox without having to write any JS code.